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How to Convert More Web Traffic into Customers

Everyone is trying to get and convert more web traffic into customers. It all boils down to making your website’s product page customer-focused will supercharge your conversion rates.

As Seattle online marketers, we know that business owners spend a small fortune on channeling their leads to the web page where they expect to convert potential customers into paying customers, but only to find this is not the case.

Over time, we have seen the effort web developers place on websites to fail to convert website traffic into actual customers.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at ways you can convert more web traffic into revenue by simply optimizing your web pages.


1. Address Your Customers’ Concerns

Most website traffic and visitors land on a website based on exploration. Hence, many visitors may be hesitant to click on the “BUY” and pull the trigger despite needing or wanting your service or product. This is because they don’t know you. Hence, it would help if you addressed the things they consider apparent risks. So what are these obvious risks? These include:

  • Will you get the product or service?
  • Can they connect with a real person?
  • What about after-sales service? Do you support your customers?
  • Are there any hidden costs, which your website has not clearly stated?
  • What about a return policy?
  • If it’s a physical product, who will pay for the shipping and handling?

The service and product page is the perfect place to address these concerns. The following will help customers budge towards the scale of possibly buying:

  • Having prominent contact information, including a phone and possibly a live chat, will help iron out customer concerns.
  • Not every business has excellent reviews, but handling reviews effectively through third-party platforms like Google will add trust. 
  • Clearly emphasize hidden costs as well as a return policy. You don’t want customers to find out later and result in a bad review!

These are just some areas a business will need to include, but the key here is to be honest and upfront with website traffic. More importantly, get to understand your target demographics fully. This will only provide you with a sense of relief and not face customer complaints and loss of new business.

Addressing these concerns for potential website traffic and customers is a must. You may want to go a step further with common issues and problems customers may be trying to resolve.  For example, a garage door company has a FAQ page that addresses common garage door problems. Customers can pinpoint exactly what the issue is and if a specialist is needed or not.

Garage Door Company FAQ



2. Reviews Offer Leverage For Website Conversions

It’s not just about customers posting reviews and showing how great the product or service is. But in fact, making a case for your customer reviews being as important a section of content on your product or service page. You may also want to include a separate area of reviews, but having a review next to the buy button is an extra component that provides the push to convert website visitors. 

Remember, customer reviews provide the added layer of educating and provide a deeper insight into the product or service. For example, the benefits and drawbacks will help swing the scale for website traffic to convert into a customer. Customer reviews are a great way of letting your customers add a layer of credibility and help potential customers convert.

Paul Edward Studio, a local Seattle Tattooist, offers a fantastic example of how to do this correctly. For example, he has 5-star reviews on the home page. They dedicate a giant section of below-the-fold real estate to detailed reviews. Visitors to the site either reach this content section organically by scrolling or clicking on the star-rating element placed directly below the product name/page header.


Paul Edward Studio


The reviews are detailed and credible. More importantly, customers’ real names and dates, and ratings are visible. This certainly helps potential customers choose if Paul Edward gets the job done and completed professionally, as stated by previous customers. Reviews always add the extra layer of presenting that the business is serious and cares about customer satisfaction.


3. Help Web Traffic With a Product Gallery

Some customers like to dive deep and read, and then some first browse and then read. The latter is standard practice. Hence, one reason why showcasing products visually is a must for any business.   

  • Use high-resolution professional images.
  • Show a gallery of images taken from multiple angles.
  • Use an animated gif or video whenever possible.
  • Provide examples of the product in use.

But what about using your product gallery to communicate with your site’s visitors? Is there a way to use the gallery to visually highlight aspects of your product that you want to draw attention to?

A great example is where Seattle Mitsubishi Fuso showcases their trucks. The images are of high quality, with multiple angles of each truck.

Web Traffic Conversion via Images


4. Payment Methods Help Convert Traffic

So your website has been optimized, is ranking high, and you’re getting visitors. But, the payment options are hidden or hard to find. Remember, when a customer has chosen to buy, they act quickly. Having them wander around in a maze of web pages will result in potential customers getting frustrated and leaving the website for good! Make it clear the type of payments accepted, for example, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal, Google Pay, even Crypto! Taking these simple measures will only help web traffic and customer experience.

Research states that lack of trust can mean an abandonment of customers. Hence, not including a payment feature or payment options will mean web traffic abandoning a website.

Payment options for web traffic


Understandably, why people like seeing globally recognizable logos on websites, remember, inconvenience, and fear are the two biggest obstacles between website traffic converting or abandonmentHence, why it makes sense to include multiple payment channels for all customers.

5. Embrace Video

Now, who does not like a short video rather than images? We all do. Seeing a product in action or an explainer’s video is a great way to communicate, let customers know about your product, and further explore it. They have been proven to help convert website traffic! More and more businesses are investing in this channel of communication. 

Why is that? Well, it’s hard to argue with these stats:  

  • Websites with explainer videos help convert website traffic.
  • Businesses say that implementing explainer videos increased their sales figures.
  • Potential customers found videos helpful in making their shopping decisions.
  • Research shows website traffic is more likely to convert after watching a video.

The key here is that short explainer videos help with the user experience of shopping. Customers can absorb large quantities of information more quickly via a video than by spending time reading. In summary, videos or animation have a real impact on conversion rates. For example, the video presents the key facts for small business SEO services. Potential customers can better understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Though videos may sound costly, some online resources and tools make publishing and distributing videos on social networks and websites easy.  Explainer videos are a sure way of boosting web traffic and conversions.

Takeaway on Web Traffic

Small business owners, web marketers, and web design experts all know too well that generating leads takes a lot of effort and resources. Building an effective marketing funnel, analyzing the data, and tweaking strategies take time to perfect.  

By comparison, taking small steps and optimizing the product page, service pages, and websites is a sure win. These additions can easily result in immediate improvements in your web traffic conversion. Even attending to the simplest SEO questions and strategies will help your online presence.

Remember, no matter how perfect your funnels are, you’re throwing money away if you don’t compel and entice your visitors to click on that “buy now” button.

Read more SEO and online marketing articles.